Despite being merely an arm of the South Korean multinational conglomerate LG Corp, LG Display Co. is one of the largest makers of displays in the world. The company designs, manufactures and markets TFT-LCD and OLED displays for TVs, desktops, laptops, mobiles and other devices. Learn the latest information and analysis on the company, LPL stock price today, history, stock news, how much one share costs and other information to help you make investment decisions.
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The LG Display headquarters are in Seoul, South Korea, but the company trades on the NYSE and operates globally through its 142 local subsidiaries. The company has strong fundamentals and is likely to retain its leading position in this field. In the last 10 years the LG Display stock price has been fluctuating between around $5 and $15 per share, that’s why LPL keeps getting buy and hold ratings depending on the price and market situation. The stock is undervalued according to some metrics and can be a good value investment bet, but at the same time it seems to be going round in circles with no prospect of massive growth despite the company’s firm market position.
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